Come Vibe with the CheebaTribe and Spread Happiness to Humans Everywhere!

You've Heard of 420

First there was 420

420 or April 20th has evolved into a world-wide holiday where people gather to participate in events, festivals, and activities related to cannabis. It is seen as a day of camaraderie among cannabis users and is often marked by the public consumption of marijuana, as well as activism for the legalization or decriminalization of cannabis.

Next Came 710

710 or July 10 is recognized as the day to celebrate and promote the use of cannabis concentrates, including oils, waxes, shatter and other forms of concentrated THC or CBD. Similar to the way 420 is associated with smoking marijuana, 710 has emerged as a day for dabbing and consuming concentrated products.

Introducing 10/10

10/10 is Being Introduced as a New Holiday “Happiness to Humans Day" where Humans Everywhere are Celebrated as Equals. Consumption and Sharing of Edibles is Encouraged to Show Signs of Caring and Sharing. Join the CheebaTribe on the First Annual Happiness to Humans Day October 10, 2024 with 24 Hours of Live-Streaming and Participatory Events.

Join the Movement !

Signup to Participate in the First Annual Happiness to Humans Day on 10/10 !